Hello. This website will share information and updates for the Heston Grange Estate.

Latest news

Thank you to every resident who got involved with both the consultation so far and the ballot

We are delighted to receive the support from residents to move forward with the proposals for Heston Grange. As you should now be aware following the letter posted to you from Civica Election Services, 71.9% of residents that voted, voted yes for the regeneration of Heston Grange. 79.1% of residents took part in the vote.

You can read the latest newsletter here.

In the new year, we will introduce you to a team of Resident Liaison Officers who will work with you to understand and support your household needs throughout the regeneration process.

The Landlord Offer

The Landlord Offer explains Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing Association’s (MTVH) commitments to residents and key aspects of the design proposals. If you have any questions please call/SMS/WhatsApp: 07795 614 307 or 07729 040 359, email: info@hestongrange.com

MTVH have delivered a copy of the Landlord offer to your home.

You can also download a copy of the document here or by clicking on the Landlord Offer image.

If you need help understanding it, please just let us know.

Clapham Park visit

MTVH took some Heston Grange residents to view properties at our Clapham Park development recently. If you couldn’t make it, you can view a short video of a 1,2,3 or 4 bed property by clicking here.

The homes are very similar to homes we will deliver at Heston Grange if the redevelopment goes ahead.

The visit was welcomed by residents who were able to ask questions to someone who has gone through the redevelopment process. They asked if antisocial behaviour had reduced and how much support they had received. The resident was able to rely their experience first hand which was reassuring for residents.

You can read more about Clapham Park here.

You can also view all of our newsletters by clicking here.

If you have any questions, just let us know.

Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH) are committed to listening to residents and understanding their hopes for the future of Heston Grange.

The timeline below shows what MVTH have achieved so far:

You can view the material shared at the MTVH Community Day here (opens in a new window).