Questions and Responses During 2024.
Frequently asked questions
We have listed answers to many common questions you may have on the page below, but please feel free to contact us if we’ve missed anything:
What was the outcome of the Heston Grange Estate Ballot?
Civica have now informed residents at Heston Grange that 71.9% of residents voted in favour of the proposals for the regeneration of the estate. 79.1% of residents took part in the vote, which is a brilliant turnout.
When will we have our discussion on housing needs?
We will introduce the MTVH Resident Liaison Officers in the new year. They will start talking to residents in Phase 1 to understand their household needs in more detail. If you aren’t sure what phase you are in, just get in touch.
How can we get involved in the detailed design?
We will be holding workshops in the new year on key topics, keep an eye out for posters and newsletters advertising the dates so you can come along. We’ll also keep you updated with more newsletters and updating the website.
What happens if my home needs repairs?
If your home requires repairs, please submit a repair request in the usual way or click here. MTVH will continue to conduct repairs and maintain the wider estate as needed.
How can I stay updated?
We will be providing regular updates through visits, newsletters, workshops, events and the website. What are the possibilities for Heston Grange?
Based on resident’s feedback, MTVH have now appointed HTA architects to understand what could be possible if residents vote for Heston Grange to be redeveloped. This option is being explored because it allows for all of resident’s feedback to be incorporated into a new design whereas, a partial refurbishment would not. More information on how we have arrived at this decision is shown in the option tab.
What is the timeline?
More community events will be held at Heston Grange to work up design options, discuss the Landlord Offer in more detail and answer questions.
Late Autumn:
All residents over the age of 16 will have the opportunity to vote in an estate ballot as part of the GLA London Mayor requirements. This is a yes or no vote on the Landlord’s Offer to see if residents want to see the changes proposed to Heston Grange happen.
During 2025:
If residents vote yes a planning application will then be developed through further consultation with residents. The planning application will then be submitted to Hounslow Council for consideration.
2026 onwards:
If a planning application is approved, construction could start in early 2027.
What is an estate ballot?
An estate ballot is the democratic process of asking residents to make a “yes” or “no” decision in writing on the issue of whether to proceed with an estate regeneration scheme.
What is the GLA Ballot Process?
As of July 2018, in accordance with the Mayor of London's requirement, any landlord (MTVH) who is looking to complete an estate regeneration project, which would entail the demolition of social homes, as is the case with Heston Grange, must demonstrate that they have obtained residents' support for their proposals through a vote by the residents.
Who is eligible to vote in the Ballot?
The Ballot will be open to all residents aged 16 years or older who live at Heston Grange. Each eligible resident is entitled to one vote, but there is no limit on the number of votes per household. For instance, a household at Heston Grange consisting of a family of four, including two parents, a primary school-aged child, and an 18-year-old, would have three votes.
There are certain criteria determining who cannot vote. For instance, residents living in temporary accommodations and privately rented sectors are ineligible to vote unless they have been on the local authority housing register for one year or more, regardless of their tenure on the estate.
When will I know if a ballot will take place?
MTVH will continue to work with you and your neighbours to consider potential options for the future of the estate. Based on the outcome of that work with residents, MTVH would then need to formally confirm a preferred future for the estate and prepare plans in more detail.
Who is responsible for undertaking the Ballot?
Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing will appoint an independent body that has experience in undertaking a ballot. This independent body will review processes for registration of voters, distribute the Landlord Offer, advise landlords on the questions to be put on the Ballot, ensure the votes are accurately recorded and counted, and confirm the overall ballot process meets the GLA requirements.
What is the landlord's offer?
This is the information residents will receive to enable them to make an informed decision and vote in the ballot. It will set out the MTVH commitment to residents in the event of a redevelopment. Included within the offer will be an understanding of the objectives of the redevelopment of Heston Grange, the design principles, the number of new homes and greenspace provided, the type and tenure mix of the new homes, their delivery and the consultation that will continue through the process.
What happens if the ballot vote is a yes
If residents vote in favour of the Landlord’s offer a simple majority is required to pass the vote and lead to the redevelopment of Heston Grange. There is no minimum threshold for a turnout.
If the vote is a no, can there be another ballot?
If the vote is no, then MTVH will continue to operate Heston Grange as normal. They will maintain the estate in its current form and carry out repairs as they are reported. However, there are no limits on the number of ballots that can be held and a revised Landlord Offer can be put to residents in the event of a negative vote.